
Thursday, 25 December 2008

Jesus-christ:God or Apostle part 1-7

salam alaik...alhamdulillah, i managed to upload these videos..ive already upload the first part of this debate..you can check my previous post regarding this topic.ive got 7 part all together..but, this time i will only upload just the first 3 parts. InsyaAllah, the rest will come afterwards.

Again, ths is a debate held in manchester, at roscoe building between a muslim speaker and a christian speaker. The speakers were given time to speak. after that, each speaker were given a chance to ask each other 3 questions each. and after that, the floor got the opportunity to ask question to any speaker. unfortunately, i didnt record the Q&A session due to technical error.

The speaker in white shirt is christian while the speaker in black jubah is muslim.
part 1,2,3 is from a christian speaker
part 4,5,6 is from the muslim speaker

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

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